CIE Divisions

Each major subject of interest to the CIE is assigned to one of six Divisions. The Divisions appoint Technical Committees to work on specific subjects, these committees consisting of small groups of experts, the aim being to produce a technical report offering guidance on that subject.

D1: Vision and Colour

UK Representative: Peter Clarke

To study visual responses to light and to establish standards of response functions, models and procedures of specification relevant to photometry, colorimetry, colour rendering, visual performance and visual assessment of light and lighting.

More information at:

D2: Physical Measurement of Light and Radiation

UK Representative: Teresa Goodman

To study standard procedures for the evaluation of ultraviolet, visible and infrared radiation, global radiation, and optical properties of materials and luminaires, as well as the optical properties and performance of physical detectors and other devices required for their evaluation.

More information at:

D3: Interior Environment and Lighting Design

UK Representative: Peter Thorns

Division 3 of the CIE is concerned with factors which influence the satisfaction of the occupants of a building with their environment, including the effects of both daylighting and electric lighting.

Its objectives are to study and evaluate those factors to provide guidance on relevant design criteria, to study design techniques (including relevant calculations) for the interior lighting of buildings, to incorporate the findings and those of other CIE divisions into lighting guides for interiors in general or of particular types.

More information at:

D4: Transportation and Exterior Applications

UK Representative: Nigel Parry

To study and prepare guides for the design of exterior lighting and light signalling.

More information at:

D6: Photobiology and Photochemistry

UK Representative: Luke Price

To study and evaluate the effects of optical radiation on biological and photochemical systems (exclusive of vision).

More information at:

D8: Image Technology

UK Representative: Kaida Xiao

To study procedures and prepare guides and standards for the optical, visual and metrological aspects of the communication, processing and reproduction of images, using all types of analogue and digital imaging devices, storage media and imaging media.

More information at:

For general enquiries and details of membership please contact the Secretary, Allan Howard.